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몬트리올 한인연합교회


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Burkina Faso Update....

최미진2013.08.13 13:45조회 수 6083댓글 0

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Hello Fellow MKUC of Montreal

This is MKUC of Burkina Faso Mission Team.

I would like to let you know that we have almost finished God's work, in Sanhoui (where the church is built) and in Ouagadougou (the Capital).

The rest of our mission that we have to accomplish before we head back home is with the Mission with the Blinds of Burkina Faso.

We would like to let you know that all our team is healthy and everyone is well.

Our Lord of Father was been good to us until now. The day of our arrival to Sanhoui, the Lord has command the

rain to pour on the Land. The people of Sanhoui told us, that they did not have rain for days and that the day of

our arrival God has provided them with rain. Glory to Our Lord! 

After 4 days of VBS with over 200 children of Sanhoui. it was time to go back to Ouagadougou, where we had

another 2 days of VBS with 450 to 500 children. Praise the Lord~

Like you can see, our God is AMAZING!!!! His love is endless and we should be thankful for everything.

Please continue to pray for us and that we may come back safely to MONTREAL.

***sorry if we did not update any picture..... may your curiosity wait until we get back.

MKUC Burkina Faso Mission Team

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